Janelle’s Birthday Party WorkShoppe

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  • Regular price $64.00

My birthday this year just so happens to fall on a Shoppe Saturday so naturally we have to celebrate! The plan is a Dessert Charcuterie Board! Complete details? Well those are still being worked out. I’m telling you though YOU HAVE TO BE THERE! Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one. 

It will be a Make & Take style event, meaning drop in between 11am and 3pm to work on your project. I’ll have food and drinks and specials throughout the day. Just plan on it being super fun. Dress in your favorite fabulous party attire. Don’t worry if you don’t have anything, I have tutus and tiaras to spare. Bring your bestie or kiddo as this will be a great all ages project. Everyone will need a ticket though so I can have a headcount. 

I’m thinking we will be doing painting, transfers and possibly playing with moulds. Honestly though I’m still coming up with stuff. The more I think, the more I come up, so like I said this is going to be fun! 

The workshop fee is $41. The fee is non-refundable and due upon registration.

I can’t wait to see you, it’s going to be sooo good! Xoxo

1899 Mentone Blvd., Mentone , CA 92359